
Of Panaceas and Silver Bullets

P&G slashed its digital ad spend & nothing bad happened: 5 ways ad tech is responding

Another major company (GPG giant P&G) reels back digital ad spend… “and nothing bad happened.” Check five industry initiatives aimed at trying to bring trust and accountability to the supply chain, improve user experiences and keep ad dollars flowing to digital.

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Could you cut your Digital Ad presence by 98% (with no impact)?

Maybe. It appears that JP Morgan Chase did just that. Much as marketers love digital advertising (somewhat targeted, prospects find you, etc.) there was always the suspicion that at least some of your spend was wasted. Even in the digital ad age, we were mindful of Wanamaker’s famous quote:

I know 50% of my advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which 50%!”

As if to remind us, along comes an intriguing article from the New York Times about JP Morgan Chase bank’s experience after retrenching programmatic ads back to pre-approved (or white-listed) hosts. Their actions came after it was brought to their attention that their display ads were appearing adjacent to undesirable stories, or worse, on completely unsavoury sites

Online ad networks have literally trillions of ad impressions available each day, with Google alone accounting for more than 2 million websites. YouTube (a Google property) has more than 3 million ad supported channels according to an analytics company.

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